2+2=? Theory

Numbers never change. You can calculate them to infinity. Making formulas from just numbers has no real significance or value because they do not truly represent the substance being calculated. The only way to obtain the real answer to any equation is to determine by qualitative measures the value of each number represents as it relates to its many deviations from the original value.

Any human being with enough brain power can memorize numbers, formulas, and calculations. There are many savants who have unbelievable ability to remember every number alone or in calculation. However, when many are asked to provide the real value of the data set, it suddenly becomes a word problem and to them is difficult to calculate.

When people calculate the equation 2 + 2 = 4, I think there may be an alternative value other than four. The 2 can be a representative value. It can be (2) 1,000’s which would be 2,000. It is an algebraic language in a conversation or situation where two people may be talking about a subject and wish to calculate the expansion of its value. 1 + 1 = 2. So, if you let the one be one value and the other one represents a different value, two is the combination of different values. 2 + 2 =?

2 + 2 may be 4 different values combining, but rather it is two of one thing or value combined with two of another value. Two birds plus two cats do not equal four birds or four cats. You see? Rather, the four in your value set is animals which equals four. If you have two birds plus two coins, however, what is the equal value on the other side? The two coins can each be of different value, a quarter, and a dime. They are still coins. The two birds can be different species.

Mathematicians focus on number sets and values during calculation. In the real world, however, must be taken into consideration the subject matter in relation to how many are being calculated because the addition of two values can increase substantially the equation so that a combination of a possibility of up to four different values is not equal on each side of the equation.

Take a helium balloon, for instance. The balloon is just an empty vessel before adding helium. It increases capacity (balloon), and it also changes capability. Unless you throw an empty balloon into the air, it does not float. So, you can have a balloon without helium or air and one with helium or air and still have two balloons. Only their capacity may be different. One balloon may pop if it is filled to its breaking point, which cannot be calculated at all, faster than the other balloon.

So, even with no helium in either balloon are they different value? One is possibly better than the other and may hold twice as much. Therefore, that balloon is twice the value of the other balloon, which = 3 + _; 3 balloon values, even though there are only two balloons. 1 balloon a regular value and 1 balloon at twice the value = (3 + 2 = 5)! So, if you are simply calculating numbers for the sake of numbers, 2 + 2 = 4, you’re correct. However, when calculating real items how many on one side of the equal sign is entirely equal to the other side? You still only have two balloons plus two balloons or something else different, but they may not equal four items.

A helium balloon = twice the non-helium balloon = three, not two, when calculated together. One balloon could have a hole in it. Is it or does it have the same value as the one with helium in it? It is worthless as a value as a balloon in the equation. It has no relevant usable equal value to the other helium filled balloon. Can you still call it a balloon? You must calculate its worth in the equation. Yes? Can you patch the balloon to make its value increase to the value of the other helium balloon’s value? No. Then how are two balloons the same value of two. The balloon with the hole in it actually decreases its value of even 1, making the equation now 1 + 2 = 3, not 2 + 2 = 4.

The balloon is still considered a balloon. It was manufactured as a balloon, but the value of the balloon has changed the equation. So, even if it is present as a number value alone on the one hand = 2 balloons, you can really only say you have one balloon in your hand = 1 balloon. Using this theory, it is clear that mathematicians have been using numbers to calculate or formulate and solve a problem without proper representation of the values. Word problems also do this as many do not have clear word values for the calculation either. The math trigger words for calculation are still based on just calculating the number system of calculations because mathematicians know that to increase the explanations required to combine, formulate, or calculate a word problem like this is unrealistic and almost impossible for people to comprehend unless they examine the word problem at length. Many so-called math word problems are simply meant to make you frustrated beyond imagination as they are a trick to make you feel like a complete idiot. In the end, they still do not adequately value anything numbered.

Certainly, teaching word problems in a classroom setting would be taxing to most as it is confusing to the student. There would necessarily be a separate study for math students to explore one word problem at a time to make sure the complete and accurate equation results in the correct answer. An English student, even just K-12, does not care one way or another. They are not all math oriented and punishing them for not understanding an equation or word problem is fruitless and abusive teaching standards. It is more productive for society to limit any math taught to children to the basics eliminating all equations except for the word application necessary to calculate real world scenarios.

As everyone knows, you can teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division as a basic concept, but we are in the technological age and the calculator use should be taught along with the basics. Most people never use algebra or any other mathematical equations in real life. It is useless as a study for them. A huge waste of time and effort. And the worst part is that educators have been evaluating students based on their ability to memorize text or numbers, which is discrimination. Some students are simply horrible test takers. Or they may be interested in food, or music, or anything other than math. That is okay.

The core classes’ standards limit progress for not only the student, but also society as a whole. Put bluntly, parents pay through the nose to educate their child using standard teaching methods that dumb-down, frustrate, stress-out, and depress their child. Do you really want to pay for their failure? If not, then it is up to you to change the status quo, the mandatory education system in this country by contacting your representatives, voting for those who understand what I am talking about and what you care about can change the way our children are educated. Your vote is important and counts.

It matters what you are valuing and in what condition or use value is attached to each number to calculate the true equation. Just saying 2 + 2 = 4 is useless. You have two folding chairs that look exactly alike and are from the same manufacturer. However, one may be stronger than the other and hold more weight. Are they the same value now? They must both perform the same task, but there is no guarantee that one of the folding chairs will not break under the same pressure as the other. Are they equal in counting them in a mathematical capacity only? Or must you take into consideration that in certain circumstances one has a greater failure rate than the other?

What has been happening in the education of math is that mathematicians have been calculating number values for pure numbers with no real value attached and calling it a formula. Sure, you can calculate a trajectory or mechanical application to a degree then tweak the equation to produce a satisfactory result. But, as a thought, even the calculations NASA scientists made sending a vehicle to push an asteroid moon out of its orbit, was a huge miscalculation. All math majors know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The mathematicians failed to calculate the repercussions or future movements that happened after pushing something from its orbit. How could they? Did they know exactly how the orbiting moon affected any other objects or orbits? No. As they say, what comes around goes around. Impact statements cannot calculate whether an impact far away will not someday impact our planet. Horrifying! What were they thinking? Oh, yeah. They wanted to prove they could perform enough calculations to make it happen without considering the possibilities of dangerous wobbles (the moon asteroid is not uniform) or if the impact set off an explosion from their unknown variables called unseen gases. Whoops! It shoots off into space. Oh, well. We did that, didn’t we? Uh, now what? Uh, we…don’t…know? I wonder at what true cost…later.

The concepts of math do need to be taught to interested students, especially if they want to go to work for NASA. What I am attempting to highlight is the possibility that qualitative number valuation has been ignored until the master’s or PhD level in many courses because just understanding how to add two things to two other things does not cut it. Even if the concept of word explanations of values is studied, oft times the complete calculation of the value goes unrepresented because for most it is cumbersome and confusing. Numbers calculated without representing something tangible are worthless. When adding one or more things, there must be an objective on the other side of the equal sign, not just a simple counting of the items involved, or you have a wrong answer to the equation.

Therefore, the entire numbers formula is incorrect. To attain a real formula that solves a problem, you must perform a qualitative math function to explain every number value. For instance, you know the sides and size of a triangle and can calculate its capacity, but can you calculate its ability to withstand internal pressure without calculating by words or known values of the material making up the triangle and its ability to contain mass?

Take two triangles both the same size. To achieve the correct capacity of that triangle you need to know the material makeup of that triangle. The capacity for a triangle made out of balloon material is different than one made from titanium steel. Helium can be increased inside the balloon triangle but has limited amount in the steel one. The two triangles are NOT of the same capacity inside. In this way, math is better and more truly calculated. If not, there are irreparable consequences, such as adding two people (one male and one female) to two other people (both female) and explaining on the other side that there are simply four people. It matters if one is male. He cannot birth a child.

Finally, what are you calculating and why? The intent is important to consider. It matters in every math equation, even 2 + 2 = 4. Teaching math students the qualitative explanation and exploration of impacts caused by differences in any one value gives a truer result. 2 + 2 = ? is just a theory, but it may have real implications in mathematical equations and calculations. Word or qualitative functions may be best left to math students or scholars because of its complexity. For those performing number only calculations who think you are a whiz at math, I challenge you to break it down to qualitative real-world values. I submit that you will feel humbled by the process and possibly challenged to provide a more accurate tangible realistic solution.

Numbers go on for infinity. Numbers never change. If you can remember every single number, formula, or calculation using any number then good for you. What is really impressive, though, is your ability to apply complete true value to each numerical system and then formulate the numbers representing qualitative values for the rest of us who really don’t care unless you get it wrong.

Copyright ©2+2=? Theory, March 16, 2023, April Graves-Minton. All Rights Reserved.



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