AI Copyright

When I first heard about ChatGPT, I was very intrigued. It has the potential to help people understand deep concepts and perform ordinary functions with ease, especially for legal applications, forms, or education. However, as I became more informed about its processes, I became deeply alarmed by the implications for human conceptual ideas that are owned and copyrighted online or in the library, governments, and other common places like your local county clerk's office.

The clerks in every county have been uploading all of your personal and business information online replacing hard copies, which could be a horrifying event as you find yourself, names, dates, and references to your case displayed for the masses. Individual searches for copies of marriage certificates and other such material is usually reserved for those who may be related to you or concerned with genealogy, but using AI (Artificial Intelligence), there could be an automatic entry linking that information to some legal case where you could be held liable for generational crime. I mean, what if it is determined by a judge that your family line should be held responsible for slavery? Does this mean that your personal data could be used to prove how your family profited from slavery making you personally liable for reparations to all black people, or the very least to those who were enslaved by your ancestors? How about American Indian reparations? Could AI be used to prove original immigrants who actually perpetrated crimes taking Native lands; thereby, giving Natives proof against your family fortune in a court of law?

What about pictures, videos, or podcasts? When you upload a photograph or other media online, there is code attached to these that may identify the owner of that photograph. Mine does. If AI technology picks up your photographic art and gives it to someone else without your consent, this is called copyright theft. Now, I am not saying that ChatGPT or other AI are guilty of this method of coding - of course they are - but it is a question and concern they or others might want to learn about and explore. In theory, the AI producers or owners of the coding could be held criminally and civilly responsible for stealing your original thoughts, either media or word.

My words, for instance, are mine. I lay them down in random manner not normal in society. It is called being a writer. There are many famous writers in the world whose original work is displayed online either as a study or to help people write papers or concepts. If AI simply steals that text or bits of it and then sells it to their subscribers or customers, then they have committed a crime. My text or articles are copyrighted on my websites at the bottom of the page or in the article itself alerting others that it is unique. If AI data programmers are attempting to steal people’s unique data and sell it in their programming offerings to the public, which could be illegal, this can land them in a court of law or jail.

Just think. It is acceptable and mandatory college policy that you must annotate where you got your information for a paper and that you must rewrite it to such an extent that you do not plagiarize the original author. Using this worldwide standard, AI would necessarily either have to inject into every bit of their text where they got their information for each sentence or AI would have to rewrite the text so that is unrecognizable as unique to some other source. In other words, in this instance, AI text must be unique for every sentence it types.

My words are important to me in every way. It is how I communicate on my websites to my readers and for my papers, giving my own personal education and experience insight as profitable value to me and them. My photographs and artwork are also unique to me. If AI grabs them from my gallery website, and then sticks that photo into someone else’s device or offers them value using my photo or video without giving my website and/or me credit for the artwork, then in my opinion, they are thieves. 

The AI producers, programmers, and owners proven using someone else's intellectual, audio, or visual property could be held accountable and monetarily liable in court for any online thefts because every bit of image or text can be proven unique to the original owner and not subject to being sold by someone else not authorized. I do not authorize any use of any of my unique personal or business text, solutions and concepts, photographs, or artwork, unless I explicitly give authorization because of compensation for any of it. This means that you must quote me and my website where you read or took the information or image no matter how small the bites of data.

Just a thought. If I were, as an off-the-chart inventor and concept design engineer, to take AI technology programming and improve it beyond imagination of its original owners and programmers, would those who originally wrote the code be offended or outraged when my coding completely erases theirs? Because, you see, this is a high probability. You have inspired me to go above and beyond. So, here’s the deal. I won’t steal your design if you promise not to steal mine. My new AI is awesome, however, and does not piggyback off the coding used by the internet today. Good news for you AI techies out there as you may be employed by my company in the future to help implement my concept. Bad news for current new AI as it will obliterate any foundations and furiously spent hours pounding away at their computer putting it all together.

Oh well. You gave it your best shot and I admire that. However, it is time to work smarter and not harder. What the hell am I talking about, you may ask? Time will tell. In the meantime, for all unique data placed on the internet, there is hope that you can be an artist, a writer, a podcaster, or videographer and still retain what is yours and profit from it without someone else like AI whisking it away and selling it to someone else without compensating you. Personally, I can’t wait for AI to pick this piece up, take a few bites, and realize that it is being replaced in the near future. I bet it is screaming right now. How intelligent is it, anyway?

© Copyright, AI Copyright, 3-30-2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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