Campaigns Solution

The United States of America has a problem with foreign or elite influences in campaigns and elections. In fact, the amount of money flowing into electing our government officials is corrupt. However, there is a solution to this problem that I think will eliminate inequality between political parties and even the playing field, while at the same time allowing citizens to make informed choices for their representatives.

A solution to the problem is to make it illegal for any campaigner for a government position, whether local, state, or federal elected position, to be given money, goods, or services to help them get elected, except for $100 per individual as a limit and no businesses contributing at all. For elected officials, it is also the law that they may not be lobbied by any person or entity and that they may not receive any funding for campaigns, except the $100 per individual contribution. This provides enough funding for the politician to go to rally's and for other obligations. However, this process can eliminate campaign signs on the side of the road that end up in landfills after every election!

This solution also ends entities lobbying efforts and pressure campaigns from organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce from influencing public officials as there are some business owners who are members of this body who are NOT citizens of the United States of America. Even though they are foreigners, they submit dues to the Chamber of Commerce to help elect our public officials and legislators and to lobby officials to change our laws to benefit foreign entities. In fact, if you go to your state Chamber of Commerce website, they explain in detail which bills they sponsor and how their pressure campaign or “lobbying” efforts are going. This, according to the laws of this country, is illegal. Foreigners are not allowed to lobby our government legislators or Congress. According to special interest groups have spent well over $9 billion annually lobbying and influencing members of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the political system in general.

What we should do is to provide public television stations like the PBS (Public Broadcasting Station) station that gives scheduled time slots to the top ten politicians running for a certain office using polling to determine positions. This means there is one station for local officials, one station for state officials, and one station for our federal politicians. However, this also limits reports by other news stations from interviewing campaigners or elected officials so that there is not undue influence by prominent television station owners on the election process. 

Instead, we could have highlighted a certain number of interview questions formed by different news organizations or citizens as a lottery that the politicians can answer within their time allotment, if they wish. To be able to give enough time for each official (a scheduled time slot for each), there needs to be a separate station dedicated to each level of government. Every politician, regardless of party affiliation is given the same amount of time on their station to talk about their issues and qualifications. Each state should be able to have their own stations for local and state elections. Then, the federal station can be nationwide. Of course, these stations will be live broadcast online so that citizens living abroad can tune in and possibly weigh in on the issues.

No politician should have abilities to receive or solicit funds, goods, or services from any foreign or domestic person, entity, or government. The public stations mentioned above would be paid for using federal and state funds. We could pay for this process by implementing our Income Tax and Deficit Solution. This way, no person running for office would be able to fund or pay any staff for their campaign. Every person working to elect an official should be completely voluntary with no expectation of pay of any kind. 

There should be no “Ads” from politicians or their supporters to try to influence citizens one way or another about any subject or concern. With no advertisements allowed, each politician has an equal time slot and playing field on public television to promote their personal and political views of the issues. Factual news stories about issues facing citizens will not be affected by the political ban promoting one politician over another on national news stations on television, internet, local news reports, magazines, and newspapers. 

People will still be able to get the news, only they will not be able to promote one politician over another in their venue. Citizens will be able to make up their own minds without being swayed by "Fake News". Town halls, however, are still a necessary part of the election process and politicians should be allowed to hold these meetings at their discretion.

My solution for eradicating foreign funding and support for public officials in our government is simple, efficient, and effective. With no pressure from outside influences, politicians can use polling to help them understand what is important to their constituents and keep them from possible blackmail or illegal sway or control over them. This is a great relief to those politicians who must hold expensive dinners to fundraise for their election campaigns. They no longer must cozy up to billionaires or other influential personalities spending huge amounts of money to get their message out to the public.

Also, we could have an open forum section of each station that allows a lottery to choose a certain number of citizens to speak out about subjects that concern them. We can schedule these forum speeches so that most citizens can either watch them in prime time or they can record them per the published schedules. We would need to censor these forums to make sure they do not use foul language, but otherwise, they should be able to provide an equal voice of the nation.

We all know that America is made up of different views about all different subjects. Our diversity is the reason our Democracy is so successful. If we eliminate the possibility of blackmail from our election process, it makes political aspirations more honest and fairer. It also eliminates oligarchy disinformation campaigns from being able to influence elections across the nation. It takes big money or corporate funding entirely out of our election system, which is how it should have been all along. This gives citizens the assurance that their voice truly matters no matter who they are. After all, isn’t that our motto in this country, equality for all no matter your financial status?

It is time to take the deep foreign pockets out of our politics! However, it is up to you as a citizen of this country to make this law a reality. You can start by making sure your representatives in Congress put on the floor a bill that addresses this problem. Signing a petition to send to Congress is a good way to let your elected officials understand that this law is a priority! Your collective voices must be louder than the lobbyist and you can send a clear message when you vote for your next representative. Make it clear that you vote for the person who believes in the same America you love. One without foreign influences or from oligarch wannabees like what happened in past elections for president.

Real Republicans can relate when I say that this country has been overrun by Russian Republicans. It is evident that an overthrow of our government was the plan by Russian operatives and those people who were conned by the so-called Republican-party. The Russians had the Republicans’ number. They knew exactly what to do to influence their participation in taking down our democracy. All the advertisements, robo calls, and paid political rallies sponsored by Russian sympathizers almost brought us to the brink of national political disaster. 

Although I wrote years ago in this piece about how the Russians operated inside this country to spread lies about Democrats to get their Republican cohorts elected (30 were sent home to Russia after Trump was elected to keep them from being imprisoned), I think now people are better able to understand what I saw back then. Remember, Trump said, in effect, that he could stand on the corner of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and still wouldn’t lose any votes. He was confident he would “win” because he had been assured, he would have the majority of votes in the country. The “campaign” to create chaos in the U.S. worked in 2016 and again in 2020 as the country was shocked by the Republican mania of conspiracy theories and false claims of election fraud.

Hopefully, most of you as real Americans are shocked out of your state of ignorance and will work with other patriots to ferret out the truth of what really happened in the 2016 and 2020 elections. By the way, in the Constitution it clearly states that if a candidate or an elected official gives aid or sympathizes with foreign entities in the effort to overthrow democracy that person may be put in jail. I say that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and is the real legitimate 44th President!

If you take the time to actually read the Constitution you will see that the Electors vote by Ballot for two Persons, of which one may not be an inhabitant of the Electors state. This means that Electors are not voters for the President and Vice President of the United States. They vote for Electors who make a list of Persons who received votes in their state and the number of votes those Persons received, then the two Electors they voted for in their meeting Ballot sign, certify, seal the list, then send or take it to the President of the Congress for the certificates of votes to be counted. 

It states that the majority of votes Electors shall determine the winners. If the Electors are appointed by Legislators (In later amendment it says recommended by Legislators, but Electors are voted into this position by state citizens) to cast their votes for President and Vice President, then we would not need every citizen to vote. In the original Articles it does not say that the Electors represent the votes from citizens, but rather vaguely implies that they are appointed by the Legislators in their state to cast their vote and that is the vote counted in Congress. If all Electors decide to vote for only two people and one cannot be from their own state, this does not mean that the majority of votes for President and Vice President are the two Persons they met as a group to vote on in Ballot. It also does not mean two different political parties. 

The interpretation thus far from election lawmakers is to assume that the intention was for Electors to count the votes themselves and determine the two majority winners in their state which they then cast their vote sending their Elector vote to Congress proclaiming the winner in their state represented by only a few Elector votes. My question is why do we need this system in the first place? I believe that the original intent of the framers was to allow every citizen to vote and their vote and only their vote be counted. What was the original purpose for Electors? That is where intent should be the interpretation of law.

Do you think it was the framer’s intention that only Electors decide who will be President and Vice President? Or do you believe that the Electors are appointed to oversee the List of Persons voted for and the number of votes each received, then have the duties to sign, certify, seal, and send that information to Congress for them to count the votes for majority of votes per Person received from votes cast by every citizen in-country and out-country? The confusion is vast. People have gone along with this interpretation of Elector duties because it suits their political party. 

If you will only examine the original Constitution Articles, Section I, you will read how ambiguous is the text, yet how simple. What makes commonsense to you? I submit that my version of how the text should be read is better and makes more commonsense than the application used today. Electors should not override the population vote, the whole majority vote. The current method has caused a false election to occur because Hillary Clinton received the majority of votes cast in 2016 for President of the United States. She is the real winner of the election because she received the majority of all votes cast.

For interested law firms out there, you may read closely the text and decide for yourselves if what I proclaim is truth. If people read the Article I, Section I about Electors and take it word for word, then it does not make provisions for regular citizens to even vote for President or Vice President at all. There is no mention of citizens voting in the text, only Electors who are appointed by the Legislators. The job duties of the Electors, however, is clearly defined as I stated above. If that is their job to be the only ones to cast a vote for our leaders, why then do we even have citizen elections? They do not have stated in the duties sentence anywhere that the List of Persons and the number of votes they each received is NOT the Elector’s list of votes they cast on their Ballot at their meeting.

So, have we been doing the whole democracy thing wrong to begin with? Are we to believe that it was the framer's intention that Electors’ majority votes matter more than the majority of votes that would be cast by citizens? Because, you see, the citizens of the whole country are the collective majority. Electors say they cast their one vote according to the majority of votes cast by citizens, but in some cases, no. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that Electors have that duty. This is how the false election of 2016 happened as the Elector votes counted by Congress did not represent the majority of votes cast for Hillary Clinton. 

Doesn’t that make you concerned that your vote does not really count? If it were a Republican candidate, I think they would have cried foul and proclaimed a rigged election. Well, yes, it was. This creates a Constitutional crisis for America. I dare you to read and consider the INTENT of the framers by the absence of clear text in defining Elector voting and responsibilities to represent citizens who vote in their state. After all, the law is based on intent. It matters. The popular or whole majority of citizens voting is the legal interpretation of the Constitution regarding Electors. How much do you really love your country and the law? We’ll see…

With the January 6th Committee, we will hopefully find out how we had foreign operatives making fake news for unsuspecting citizens, pushing their buttons so that extremists would do their dirty work. These Russians made political progress to overthrow our government because Republican religious ideology and right-wing white supremacy groups ideologies were exploited on the news organizations and social media platforms. As of the beginning of these special committee hearings, I am heartened by the show of patriotism by the REAL Republicans of this country. I see that they are just as horrified by the Russian invasion as I am. So, let this be a warning to any political party or affiliation that you can’t keep blinders on when it comes to what news you are being fed.

Which brings me back to where we began, elections. What is the one thing we all look for and recognize about our candidates for office? I say it is good character. Another thing we look for is intelligence. And finally, we look for compassion. What we all want should be how our laws are made and how our officials are elected. We all want freedom to be ourselves in this country. We all want to be able to educate our children without foreign, religious, or extremist influence. We all want to have the right to aspire to greater existence and to pass this on to our children. We all want free and fair elections insuring our rights. It is called The Constitution. That is our legacy to the humans who come after us. It should be the one agenda we have as a collective society.

You do know right from wrong. You know when you commit a wrong. When you do something wrong it affects others, and for some, that is why they commit the wrong to begin with. It is titillating. It gives them a thrill. This is wrong. When you join a group that you know is committing wrong, you know it and condone the wrong behavior. But the thing to remember is the real reason the wrongs are committed. Are the groups committing wrongdoing because of an unjust cause or is it because they were lied to like the Republicans in this country? Do you hate someone or some group so much that you are willing to kill others you don’t even know to make a point? This is called mass murder and wrong. When you are dead and gone, do you think that your voice and actions on this planet will endure, or will they simply dissipate like mist because in the end you were…wrong?

It is wrong for you to fund extremist ideology. It is wrong because it could be there are ulterior motives to influence you into committing a wrong. When you cast your ballot, do you want assurance that they correctly read your vote? If they on purpose get it wrong, how will you know? Which brings us back to character. We all want good character from our representatives, especially in the highest office in the land. When our elections are in jeopardy because of foreign or greedy corporate influence, your legacy is stolen. The real thieves are those people who say nothing and stand by condoning…wrong.

So, finally, we can say there is no excuse for our election process to have interference from foreigners or deep pockets. This solution is a wake-up call to those people who have an agenda to take over this country. I see you. And I hate you. And you can go to hell before I let you take my country! You see, I am an original inhabitant of this land. I love it more than most…invaders. I saw the foreign invaders come into the United States of America as an infestation and set up shop. I saw them influence the media outlets and extremists. I saw them summarily shipped out of the country once their devilish deed was done. I saw them put in highest office one who would not mind their land-grabbing activity we see played out in the media in Ukraine. 

Now, I see them being exposed for what they did and are still trying to do to steal our history. But if there is one thing you did not consider before you began your campaign, it is that there are other nations within this nation. They are the American Indian Nations, and they are the eagles that fly high watching over the citizens with whom we have treaties of mutual respect and understanding. We have no problem ousting evildoers from our country even though the indigenous peoples of this country have no representation in the United States government. In fact, for all you lawyers out there who may be interested in the real law, it says plainly in Article II of the original Constitution that because Native Americans have no representatives and are not counted in the enumeration of representatives in each state that they are "untaxed Indians". 

Also, in the third paragraph of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, it also says all "untaxed Indians". This is very clear and precise text declaring that Native American Indians are not taxed at all for anything in their native lands. Hey, U.S. government! You owe us so much money from charging us taxes that you can never pay it back. There is no way in hell that any Native American Indian would agree to paying taxes in this country when they have no representative in Congress! Duh! You can't change the treaty laws simply to steal more and more from the indigenous people of this country. I won't let you. 

As the original Powhatan ruler descendent, Empress Evergreen, it is my duty to promote and defend my people who have been horribly treated in their own land. I am also the White Buffalo Calf Woman giving them back their dignity, lands, pride, and status. You may visit Native American Indian Heritage Solution on my other website to prove to the originals of this country that you love them enough to lift them out of the most inhospitable areas you call "Reservations". The real reservations were given to us in the Act of 1832 by Andrew Jackson, all 390 special places, so that we could be stewards of these National Parks. This Act was before the Department of Interior and the National Park Service was even established. 

We were supposed to be granted the rights to live on and establish towns and communities in and around these beautiful vistas. We deserve the best in this land we love and defend for you. It is our right to be given privilege status as valued citizens even though we are not included in the consideration for representation in the Congress. This solution and the ones found by going to the solution above and reading my other articles helps the citizens of the United States to get rid of constitutional mischief once and for all. I bet you hate that.


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©Copyright, Campaigns Solution, 2017 – 2022 - 2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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