Convoy Rail

For railroad companies, hazardous materials movements must mirror trucking company requirements. This includes making it illegal to combine train cars containing materials that, if combined, would cause a massive explosion or toxic mix if the train derailed. This means that if a train company wants to move hazardous materials that cannot be moved together in one convoy, they must build another engine and add that engine and its train of cars to the line spaced out from the train engine convoy ahead. Further, just like for trucking, trains should maintain a one-mile separation distance between trains hauling hazardous materials or explosive chemicals. The addition of more trains to the rail system would also allow more non-hazardous materials on the line, which increases the supply chain flow of products across the country.

I am sure that the transportation model scheduling can be configured to support increased rail activity as well as workers. Billions of dollars are made by rail companies, and they have attached as many rail cars to the one train as they can in order to keep costs low and revenue high. I mean, the manufacturing of one train engine, rerouting/ rail allocation, rescheduling, and worker training and hiring must be prohibitive costs for investors and stockholders, but just look at the long-term benefits. Railways are bound to be phased out at some point. No one really enjoys waiting on a train at a crossing and the severe train derailments across the world have really hit home to residents, especially hazardous materials movements.

In the meantime, electric engines should be made for these convoy additions to cut down or eliminate pollutants. Shorter trains, compatible product and materials on one train, more workers per train, and making it the law that ALL railroad crossing should have complete road closures at every crossing. This means that instead of arms crossing the road there should be installed walls on each side of the road on both sides of the crossing and the arms are rolling blockades covering the entire road with no gaps preventing any vehicles from entering the crossing. Vehicles would not be able to outrun the train to get across the tracks because the rolling blockades would be employed long before the train got to the crossing. 

In fact, train speed is the main factor triggering the crossing blockade to engage so that if something does happen like a vehicle getting caught on the tracks, the coming train is given plenty of notice in time for it to come to a stop before reaching the crossing. Many times, I have been witness to tractor-trailers, especially lowboys, getting caught on the tracks. This is not the truck driver’s fault! They cannot help it. The tracks are sometimes elevated to such an extent that if you are not a very experienced trucker, you cannot maneuver the heavily loaded low clearance trailer to clear the tracks.

If we mandate that all crossings have the same rolling full road width barriers on each side of the track, then when the barriers sensors determine a vehicle is in their way preventing them from blocking the road, they can alert the train system; thereby slowing or stopping the oncoming train. Another safety measure that can be used preventing train crashes with vehicles is to have an onboard alert button that the driver of the vehicle (any kind) can push sending a signal to the train company or regional alert system whenever they are stuck on the tracks. Setting up capture video or snapshots of all crossings would allow the rail company to check the tracks or to identify vehicles and owners so that false alerts are minimal. Knowing your picture is being sent to the data system will counteract would-be pranksters, as well, as the fines are extremely high for offenses.

Lastly, I just want to explain to my readers why so many trains are leaving the tracks and crashing. For quite a while now, the Sun has had a spike of plutonium, a radioactive rod, stuck way out, not looping like a wave, but a solid mass of magma made up of mostly plutonium that was within the roiling mass of hot magma and gases. This rod, as did sunspots (these are the worst the scientists at NASA have ever recorded), sent plasma radiation down to us on earth. The waves have been so powerful that it warped the rail lines so that when a heavy train comes through that area, it derails. This plasma radiation is not all detectable by scientists. 

I am a genius, for real. I know the reasons for many things unexplained or explained wrong. I will also say here, although I am not really a hateful or cruel person at all, that all black DNA pigmentations are dying all over the planet. Even black beetles and flies have been dying. Many insects or waterdogs have gone underground to hide from the waves of unfelt heat. You cannot really tell by feel that it is affecting your body. The animals perceive it more than we do, and I have witnessed their demise for a few years now.

You may have noticed more dark people dying than white people. White reflects heat, while black absorbs it. That is just reality. I wish sometimes that I did not know too much. It is a burden and a curse in some ways, but in another way, I know it is...necessary. Treyvon Martin in about eight years. You cannot hide in caves or buildings to get away from it. It has already done its job. The waves go deep into the ground and through air frequencies. A few white people, believe it or not, will make it. Many will not. They sunbath and sun worship until they turn crispy brown. I hate it that humans of any kind should die. I love life and am trying my best to hold it together as they have labeled me Bipolar I (mania and depression at the same time), but I think that somehow the irony of this whole catastrophic apocalypse is that the planet and its green life-sustaining ability to produce large trees and vegetation again supporting our every breath is perspective. 

Back to my analysis of convoy traffic now. The main idea about convoy rail traffic is safety. For railroad companies, you may want to provide a little more goodwill for the public. You may realize that your responsibilities include investment. Creating a safe environment should be your main purpose, not just profitability. The belief that a company needs to increase their revenue year after year is a lie. Most company owners know that without investment, research and development, or incorporating innovative approaches, their initial investment will stagnate and may even incur major liabilities. 

The real thought train owners should ask themselves is the same thing I asked myself every time I hauled hazardous materials (all of them) down this nations’ highways. Is my mother in that unknown vehicle passing my truck? Is yours? There is no difference between rail and road. Your family and the families of your workers live here, too. They may be crossing the tracks unbeknownst to you or your workers. Think about that. Is it worth it to make a buck now and then dying with that legacy or is it worth the life of your loved ones to invest in safety for everyone else? After you die, what will be your history and the history of your company? Profits over people? There isn’t enough money on the planet to hide apathy.

© Copyright, Convoy Rail, 3-9-2023, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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