Downsize to Upsize

Ever wonder why it seems as if your company is trying desperately to make you quit your job during certain quarters or cycles each year? Recruiters say that it costs the hiring company upwards around three thousand dollars each to put new hires through orientation. This cost, however, pales in comparison to how much the company gains from federal grants as incentive for the company to hire employees from the job market. It is a cycle of dump and pump that pads the bottom line of most companies who are “in the know”.

Looking at truck drivers and their hiring or quitting cycles, it is interesting to note that around the end of February to the beginning of April and the beginning of August to mid-September, trucking companies tend to have extreme slow-down in loads available per driver. This is because at the end of the holiday season from December and the end of the summer vacation and before the fall harvest there is a lull in freight per truck.

During my days on the road as an OTR (over the road) truck owner-operator, I had insight into how trucking companies divide freight among their very best truckers. They also ‘hang out’ their less productive drivers attempting to downsize during the off season. Orientation costs are not as high as some specialists suggest because many companies perform expedited orientation. Time spent during orientation used to take a week or two. Now, many companies are hiring experienced people to fill slots and have broken the orientation down into a three or four-day sprint. In fact, what has been happening is that the let-go employee, who really did enjoy working at the company, simply bids their time at a competing company until the job market for their former employer opens their old position. Then, they apply for their old job or a better one in that company up the ladder.

But the real story here is how the company has turned this process into a revenue stream, while the employee is put through the ringer job-hopping. The funny part is that the company laments the fact that the employee quit their job and hollers about how they are short of employees to run the company. This is a bogus claim on the part of the employer that drove their employee to quit, because the employer receives funds the next quarter to ‘help’ them hire new employees. The old employee with the company is dumped long enough for them to be considered a new-hire by the government, which, in turn, earns the company incentives both local, state, and federal funding. It is a vicious cycle that many companies have found necessary to stay afloat during low profit quarters of the year.

Although many people think this process of downsize to upsize is mainly in the retail industry, they are wrong. What happens in retail happens to all industries down the line. The customer, and supply and demand, are the driving factors for the flux in retention. When there is less demand for goods, this slows down the whole product make and ship. Also, when there is less supply of a certain product or material, the end of the chain dries up; thereby, causing many companies along the line to downsize their employee pool. Service industries also have this problem as people are forced to find a better paying job because their company benefits or pay decreased to such an extent that the employee is forced to move themselves and their household to a new area. Hence, the downsize to upsize has a pebble in the pond effect.

If you are an employee feeling the squeeze play by your superior, or you have the overwhelming feeling that you are not wanted or valued as an employee of your company, you may want to consider having an alternative working relationship with a temp agency or another similar position with a different company during these cycles. Of course, the whole hopping from job to job is not only tedious to the employee, it also keeps them from profit-sharing or longevity bonuses.

For the best employees in companies, the cycle is even worse! All of their companies in the pool (not necessarily in just the job you do in your current company) shuttle you around like a sucker. They make it impossible for you to work at your best position status in the company by decreasing your time or pay and/or status to the point that you feel shut out on purpose. You know this is what the company does to you, but that job is the best in the industry, so you go ahead and "look" for another job like it. Lo and behold, an ad pops up that is almost exactly like your former job. They control the advertising in your nation and know what you see in your area. They shove it in your face so much that you have to finally read it. Looks good, doesn't it?

The companies all know where you are. They follow you around and stick to you like glue only those at the top see. You work at the other job or jobs only a little while until the main company wants you back for your important position. Your important position is usually one that benefits all those companies at the top. So, once again, you are forced to look for another job and see that the incentives have increased (via ads) at your favorite job and they are hiring again. 

To break this cycle in your life, you need to quit your job. They will not let you go into another industry or do anything like make your own money with your entrepreneurship. But they will let you go to school to learn a new trade or to enhance your skills and abilities to hire you for one of the other companies. I say, do the unexpected. Work at a burger joint. They may try to promote you there as they give you more responsibilities. Resist. Be happy with minimum wage and apply for assistance. You say you are stressed out and need to go to therapy. You have a little mental disability caused by burn-out and possibly have PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder from performing like a circus monkey at your old job. Then, downsize your life and get rid of your crap. Buy or rent a small place or apply for HUD government housing. Go fishing. The stress melts away like butter and you can go play dominos with your family, friends, or at the senior center where the lunch is around $5 - $7 bucks.

So, if you are lowest on the totem pole at your place of employment, ask your employer to cross-train you for another position within the company or any of its divisions. Cross-training is a relatively new management style that assures the company that if one employee is sick the whole assembly line will not suffer. You may, as an employee, give up an hour or two per week or maybe even spend a Saturday per month learning a new position or trade, but the dividends are well worth the extra effort on your part. As a matter of fact, you could enroll in classes that could enhance your standing in the company, like learning data entry, graphic design, or programming. This type of self-education creates value to the employer, which may keep you off the chopping block when peak season is over.

I only say to try new things because you may actually have a valuable talent, skill, or gift unknown to yourself or others that you might discover. Even if you think that you hate that job or career, you might want to give it a try, anyway, because it could be that you are the best of the best goat for that position. In my company, we help you explore new areas and test you for possible placements. You will love your job here and will jump out of bed in the morning happy to be able to work doing the things you love best. You are required to have at least five cross-training positions, and these can change when you and the company determine that the one or two jobs is abhorrent to you or is boring.

As for truck drivers, the only way to really keep your head above water during slow freight is to think about taking your vacation during slow times and to save extra cash for when you are sitting around waiting on a load. Sometimes, there is no cure for an ailing economy, and you should create a cushion for your personal finances. If you get that feeling that the company you work for is trying to get you to quit, you could be right. Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to minimize your vulnerability and maximize your goodwill with your company. A little foresight and planning on your part may be the solid foundation you need to stay with your favorite workplace. If you do not take the time to learn something new or to stay abreast of newer processes, you could be spending more time with a recruiter in the future and less time with your family.

Finally, you can’t really blame some companies for their yo-yo retention, especially those not understanding the rules of the game. Sometimes, they must play by the rules just to break even. Eventually, every company, even the good ones, will resort to the dump and pump process to pad their portfolio. And it may not even matter that you are their best employee. The company may find it more profitable to replace you with a newer model because they do not have to pay them in profit-sharing and bonuses. Believe me, they have crunched the numbers and know exactly what you are worth to them in dollars. However, what they may miss in their calculations is the amount of goodwill you provide for the company. It does not hurt to remind them of this, but don’t rub their nose in it or you may soon find yourself out on the street. A gentle way to provide proof of your standing in the company is to ask one of your clients to send a short quick note of commendation to your employer about the good service you provide. Not many employees think of this as a part of their resume`, but it can mean all the difference in the world to the employer to know your true worth.

Good luck out there in the job market and come back for more insight. Read more insight, theories, and solutions located on my other division website. Also, don’t forget to share to your favorite social media! Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side!

If you need a common-sense solution to a complex problem, use the contact form or information to give my services a try! I only get paid when I provide a good solution and prices are very reasonable. No problem is too big or too small. I want your repeat business and value your privacy. Solutions are provided by RRDD’s division, Future Solutions Consulting.


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Consumers drive product production, movement, and sales. The entire cycle begins and ends with materials and how they may make it convenient...