
Industrialism is driven by customer demand. Supplying people their every want and need is a vicious cycle of production. And it does not matter what you are offering, as a manufacturer your main focus is profit. However, I believe this is not only unsustainable processes, but is also unethical.

Why are you in business? If it is purely for money or prestige, then you are on the path of eventual destruction for your business, politically, and personally. To clear the noise, misinformation, and misguidance of those whose main purpose is to separate you from your money, standing, and vision, it is important to listen to the voice of reason and commonsense.

Why are you in business? What do you hope to achieve? Is it a legacy of profitability and success on every level? Yes? Then, what you need to do is provide yourself and those you are responsible for a very transparent explanation and experience that is an integral part of who you are and what your goals are in producing even one product. Give people around you and in your orbit the clear signal that if they do not understand their role in creating and implementing your plans, or if they are saboteurs that this is unacceptable behavior. Of course, your job is to explain in detail your end game and how they can help you get there.

For many manufacturers this is difficult and expensive. They have no one standard action plan; therefore, they rely on current or taught professionals to help lead them and their business into profitability and success. What is wrong with this method is that the information taught may be just a modification of previous methodology or processes with cutesy words as a kind of rebrand. This does not help and may actually harm you in the long run. You end up disgusted with your staff, go on a rampage of frustration firing anyone in your path as you attempt to regain control. 

Stop. Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Then, think about it. Logically understand what is and has happened to get your company where it has landed. There are steps to help you mitigate. These are simple and very effective methods that you do not have to pay for, and you can read it right here: 

  1. Lower your prices on your products. This creates real value for your customers. It may take a few months for word to get around but believe me it does.

  2. Do not go along with the convoy. Play leapfrog. If other similar brands or offerings convene to convince you to price-fix or present established pricing, simply smile, nod, then do what is right for your business, not theirs or the industry. Remember, if a major hurricane occurs you may go down with the armada. Fail-safe your business by finding a better newer route. Be an explorer!

  3. Delist your company from the stock market if you are not already there. Being totally independent from financial evaluation allows your wings to fly. Only you know your worth and direction. This gives you competitive advantage over your so-called friends in the business. They know it. Soon, you may find they are following your lead, not vise-versa. Your finances will explode if you are offering value over mere profit. Because your true business goal should be longevity or sustained progress and profits.

  4. Promote by talent, not just experience. If the janitor is allowed to easily give you a new idea or way to improve your product or processes, this is invaluable. Establish an internal AND external method (website pages) that gives your people and customers the opportunity to connect with you on a personal level. Yes, there will be junk messages, but you can weed these out with a few rules and moderators. When a customer tells you the product, they got from your company is imperfect, ASK THEM how to improve it. If the answer is outstanding and viable you may want to ASK THEM to join your company as an adviser for quality control because they are just a normal person with normal needs who is giving you the most important information your company needs to survive. Remotely, they can evaluate any product or new ones giving their honest opinion. You can spend a portion of your promotion money giving them incentive to deliver.

  5. Be happy. Schedule time for yourself and your family. Tell your employees. Let them know that you value your me-time and theirs. Set up a daily or weekly time away from the crowd to relax, destress, and NOT think about it. Also, allow your employees to have a set day or time when they can just NOT think about it. This gives a company-wide recalibration method which benefits your bottom line.

  6. Offer a peace-offering. You can have a company-wide online survey that employees must use telling your managers and CEO or yourself which benefit they prefer. Make a list of benefits you pre-approve on this list and be committed to each as a possible ONE benefit to the masses. Believe it or not, some employees may prefer an external benefit, such as a product make or modification or offering. Prominently display the results for everyone to see and tell them when they might expect the changes to occur or when the next survey might happen. This is internal goodwill. However, you can do this externally for the public, as well, creating even more personalization for your company.

  7. Budget or reallocate expenses. You spend most of your money on products, services, or people who may be time savers, but they are expensive and do not provide ENOUGH value for the expenditure. Think about downsizing your organization. Use a few more workers instead of machines or applications such as technology to serve your clients. Your call center, for instance, should be as personal as you can manage. Use your budget to include more human interaction and concern. Your customers will love you for it and your business will actually make more for longer using this ancient method. Sometimes, you need to make good history a part of your product. Just look at those top brands out there. Do NOT fix it if it isn’t broken! If you have a premium product everyone loves, do everything in your power as the owner or CEO to keep it the number one priority product offering. Keeping the materials, manpower, machines, methods, and money, helps you keep your manufacturing of these main products your bread and butter.

  8. Use your better judgement. Do not listen to the fake news. As you know there are people or companies out there that will tell you how horrible someone or something is, but you immediately understand that they are lying for their own benefit or to devalue yours. Remember, it is YOUR company, YOUR vision. You do not have to believe everything you are told about your production or service. Believe your customers and workers when it is a normal distribution statistic evaluated by your mathematicians. Just remember, lean begins with the customer.

  9. Diversify. I don’t just mean people; I am also saying that you should seriously think about building or buying a different or compatible product or company that you can foresee will improve your brand as a manufacturer of quality. Just remember to save a separate account set up specifically for this purpose and DO NOT include this savings as a part of your portfolio. You do not even need to tell your company CFO or financial officers about it. Let it be a surprise. You may eventually decide to do something else with the savings, but the choice is there when you need it.

  10. Pay people what they are worth. Sometimes, believe it or not, you can make a search in colleges for talent that may not have the better grade scores, but they are extremely talented and gifted. They are simply horrible test-takers. Do not believe the test scores. Believe the person. Provide interviews in universities with questions that make the interviewer give feedback as a personal education or experience knowledge. Anyone can memorize the text, but the real deal with education is to provide a platform into companies without providing concrete innovation. I know some very gifted intelligent people who look and are hillbillies. They are awesome. Give your company the inside track by recruiting unknown or undervalued talent. Their answer to your questions gives you or your recruiters the information they need triggering further evaluations and possible mentoring.

So, I hope you enjoyed your journey on my platform and that you found your Zen. Below are listed categories page links of links to companies you may find convenient. I am not endorsing these companies and you click on their website link at your own risk. Also provided are links to pages of articles on this website or other divisions in the company listed on link pages that I hope helps readers find success. Established companies may contact us using the contact form or information to qualify for this listing service, but there is no guarantee that your website will be listed for viewers.

If you need more information or would like to know more about what I and my company can provide, please use the contact form to get in touch. If you wish to see your website or address listed here, please read the advertising terms and prices located link at the bottom of this page. Please be patient as a real person will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for visiting and you may visit my other websites located in the Favorites section for more insight and services. Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side!

Visit my Q.E.C. platform for getting rid of unwanted, overstocked, or damaged inventory. New products and services are also available for listings, so please be sure to check out my fast-growing service for organizations and businesses no matter if single entrepreneur, mom and pop, individual or commercial agricultural (must meet quality non-toxic or organic criteria = no unrecognizable ingredients in your foods), suppliers, mid-size to extremely large businesses. Q.E.C. Independent Contractors are needed in your area NOW! If we do not currently have one in your area, you might know someone who would be a good business partner who can service your community using my brand and methodologies. As a business professional, you know the people in your area and after reading my platform can help someone you know grow their own franchise business under my Q.E.C. brand.


Picture This

Union Busting

Plastic Pretenders (Is plastic really bad? Check it out for yourself!)



Hewlett Packard  (I especially like their computer offerings! They are long-lasting, efficient, and easy to use! However, I must tell you that when you include Microsoft programming, it gets Intuit, Quicken, every computer. Maybe this is a concern for your company? Others? Of course, they love their Alphabet Google, too.)


National Public Seating Co.  (I bought the thick three-inch folding chairs and love them! They are way better than a couch as they are easy to fold and move and you can sit in them all day long!)

Shop Mainstays Inc. Limited  (I especially like the pillows and picture frames! The frames are easy to put photos into and look great in any room!)

Fiskars Corporation (I especially like the orange scissors! My mother had a pair, and they are still that good! Good job!)

Dreamline Manufacturing Inc.  (I especially like the bed! It is so comfortable! However, I do hope you change your business practices to exclude wood furnishings for a more modern metal-based offering!)

Always Save Brand (This brand has a good start in that they are at least trying to provide value and quality at the same time. The regular potato chips, for instance, are the absolute best, most pristine quality, perfect product out there. The chips are delicious! They are way better than any other brand of potato chip on the market, they are very affordable (way below their competitors), and they need your help staying that way. The only things I would complain about are the packaging, the unexplained origins of the potatoes, the salt, and the oil. The packaging needs to be reusable, sustainable, or compostable. I would suggest going the route of using my new version of Lean Technologies (Edward Deming founder of the Japanese version of Lean not this one) methodology and have a plastic container made that is thick enough to withstand shipping it on a daily basis, has a non-breakable bucket-style handle like the Great Value brand of square large ice cream buckets (which is also an awesome product), and has a permanently affixed bar code plus QR code if you have to but the bar code has an actual 100% read rate according to the Walton School of Business statistics. It also must have return postage paid readable every time it is shipped because you will clean it, refill it, and ship it out to the next customer. The reasons for having the customer eat out the interior of the packaging, toss it into the mailbox, you're cleaning it, and refilling it is that it is massively cheaper than constantly paying for new or "clean" packaging that ends up in our landfills. YES, I know I am giving every manufacturer my new methodology for Lean Manufacturing, but I truly AM an environmentalist! Besides, I am replacing all transport, retail, and other manufacturing processes in the future, so this is a necessary step getting people up to speed on my abilities unlimited intelligence. Besides eliminating the waste at the landfill level, it also creates cashflow to your bottom line; thereby, allowing your good manufacturing to explode or at least offer faster and even better public service. Now, the "packaging" needs have nothing further on it besides where to send the package or plastic container. The customer knows what they ordered and will have the ability to go online to look up any and every single thing they need to know about that particular product that they are buying or have bought including any videos of information, introduction, directions, ingredients, allergens, nutrition, etc. Every company can have community rooms of every county with a computer bar. These community rooms such as the local recreation center, or maybe somewhere everyone meets locally that is easy and convenient for the public shall have a section dedicated to kiosks or computers set up with convenient search engines capable of looking up any manufacturer of any product. This alleviates stress on manufacturing to focus on safety, quality, longevity, and other important future production. It also eliminates the tiny print on the packaging. Now, where did the potatoes or other ingredients come from? Which farms produced them and are they fertilizer and pesticide-free farming organic? Because, you see, what has happened with fertilizers is that the so-called genius scientists have chocked it full of chemicals meant to kill the seed production in those soils that use their "fertilizer". My case in point is the fact that these morons have declared war on seeds making everything they can seedless to the point that when I bought seed packets at my local store and planted them as instructed, they produced no vegetables or fruit. When something did come up it was deformed and inedible yuk! The pesticides and constantly mowing have killed the vegetable's ability to fight with it's antibodies any infection or infestation or sunstroke or frostings. The plants should be surrounded by weeds meant to help them fight off bugs and to encourage the plant to get strong enough to rise above or thrive under the covering. My solution to hunger can be solved with my MoonEagle Security website solutions page with my Income Tax and Deficit Solution, but my Famine Solution also helps us free ourselves from unnecessary and aggressive agriculture processes. Now, what kind of potatoes are used to make the potato chips inside the container? Reds? Whites? Yellows? What kind of oil is used and where was it grown, milled, and made, and shipped from? Corn oil pure is best. Where did the "salt" come from and is there anything else in the salt like prussiate of soda, calcium silicate (anti-caking agent), dextrose (poisons all), and potassium iodide (we do NOT need extra iodide in our diet = they are all LIARS). The prussiate of soda if you can read all the way through the meant to be confusing long words that mean the same thing I am telling you here in lay terms turns into an extremely toxic gas in UV light or when you put it on something acidic or citric acid like an apple. The calcium silicate (we do not need an anti-caking agent just simply knock the hell out of the container with the palm of your hand) is actually slag Are you feeling full of it all of a sudden? Dextrose is meant to make you all FAT! It is glucose which also elevates your blood sugar and is put in massive amounts of foods along with every other so-called scientific breakthrough breakdown to the nth degree to fool you into putting it into your products to kill everyone on a massive scale. I quote from the WebMD website about this ingredient, "Dextrose is often used as a sweetener or preservative, or to neutralize food that is too spicy or salty. Dextrose has a high glycemic index, which means that it increases blood sugar levels quickly and is a good source of energy." This means that it makes you and your children hyper and sluggish at the same time as well as crave any food it is in. It also gives you Diabetes. So, not only are you fat, you feel manic and depressed, you have to take shots and go on dialysis later because your kidneys fail. You crave things that you ordinarily would not and buy things from devious manufacturers in larger quantities padding their thievery of your life. Can you read? Can you investigate and be a real reporter? They think that you are too stupid to understand their serial killing methods and sell, sell, sell to kill you and your pets, horses, cows, goats, rabbits, children, grandchildren, etc. I do NOT think that I am the only intelligent human being on this planet. They even want to kill off their own people down to a few who are planning to take me, my diamond and gold rocks inheritance, any gas and oil under our feet, and your stuff, too. Please be my WARGOD helping me save us and this planet and the other ones my father and mother and myself made. You see, the other planet named for myself is called Heaven and it is massive, green, and gorgeous. They will never see Heaven because I AM.

Supply and Demand

Consumers drive product production, movement, and sales. The entire cycle begins and ends with materials and how they may make it convenient...