
Everyone is just looking for a way to connect. From social media, relationship sites, the club, sports or work-related events, or family get togethers being able to juggle your life is complicated. What you deserve is a less-complicated way to organize, communicate, and plan for your future and success.

If you think about it, you are who you associate with. It matters who or what you promote to others who know you. They judge you based on your circle. They may feel that the chaos of your friendship is toxic to them, and they ghost you every chance they get. It is not your imagination. It is at this realization that you need to reevaluate any people around you that may not be considered best or normal human behavior. Separate yourself by becoming a ghost. To those you love with earnestness and honesty, they clearly see your person. You do not need to apologize to those you leave behind. It is your right to discriminate no matter what you have been told by the media or accepted societal push.

It is vitally important to understand that when children watch you with eagle eyes mimicking your acceptance of any person, product, company, or service, you are setting them up for a con. Think about it. There is never-ending pressure for them to like this or that, to accept this or that, and to allow influencers into their impressionable minds as an advertisement in the guise of a misconception of trend. What this means is that you must see everyone and everything around you and your child as a possible plug trying to sell, sell, sell anything and everything in order to gain control over your history and culture.

It is okay to say no to people who want you to perform like a circus monkey. Can you limit your interaction with the outside world and still not be in isolation? Yes. It does take discernment, though. You need to view your relationships the same way you take control of your finances. Budget your time and efforts. Limit ties to groups or activities to relieve the constant pressure and chaos in your life and the life of your children. Focus. Instead of expecting you or your family to excel at everything, be selective and you will succeed in down-sizing.

I heard it said that Gil Gerard, a used car salesman, was the best in the world at his job. The reason for this is that he did one thing and did it better than anyone. Find what you do best or what your child loves best, then go for it with education, associations, work, and your circle of friends. You will find greater value in your own humanity when you feel complete. This self-confidence is hereditary. Your family immolates your progress as a best practice pattern, especially your children.

Did you ever wonder why some children do better than others? Many times, they are taught from birth the tricks to success. Quietly accumulate your wealth ($40 per week compounded for 40 years is approximately 3.7 million dollars, especially if you invest it). Buy cheap quality products and services, you will not be deprived. Downsize your life and your environment (stay in that small home or apartment until you reach about age 50, then retire in luxury). 

Just think. Sam Walton drove a dilapidated pickup truck every day to work until he died. Work at one thing and be the best and most reliable source to others. Never marry without a strict prenuptial agreement clearly defining that your fiancé after marriage cannot have you involuntarily committed. This keeps them from cleaning out your bank account while you are detained. Better yet, never ever get married! Just have your friends circle. Homeschool online your children to keep them sane and away from horrible influences by other children, teachers, and the seeming never-ending criticism if they do not "make the grade". And last, but not least, keep your inner circle good family and friends.

It is all about who you know and who knows you and who you associate with. You may feel alone, but that is entirely your fault. It is up to you to reach out to people you know to be good for your circle who do not have drama, chaos, and toxic behaviors. You do not have to take another person’s word for it. Actions speak louder than words. Simply look at their circle.

Below are listed categories page links of links to companies or individuals who have products, services, or methods you may find quality and convenient. I am not endorsing these companies and you click on their website link at your own risk. If you wish to see your website or address listed here, please read my advertising terms and prices for listings by clicking on the advertising link located at the bottom of this page. 

Some prices are negotiable to startups who send me products to review that I feel are quality future products or services or methods. You must use the contact forms located on my websites to send a request for my product review address where you can send your product. Be honest and provide as much information as possible about your clean quality product. Then, I will give readers the low-down so they may contact you for purchase.

Also provided are links to pages of articles on this website or other divisions in the company listed on link pages that I hope helps readers find success. Established companies may contact us using the contact form or information to qualify for this listing service, but there is no guarantee that your website will be listed for viewers. Also, please be patient as a real person will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side!

Visit my Q.E.C. platform for getting rid of unwanted, overstocked, or damaged inventory. New products and services are also available for listings, so please be sure to check out my fast-growing service for organizations and businesses no matter if single entrepreneur, mom and pop, individual or commercial agricultural (must meet quality non-toxic or organic criteria = no unrecognizable ingredients in your foods), suppliers, mid-size to extremely large businesses. Q.E.C. Independent Contractors are needed in your area NOW! If we do not currently have one in your area, you might know someone who would be a good business partner who can service your community using my brand and methodologies. As a business professional, you know the people in your area and after reading my platform can help someone you know grow their own franchise business under my Q.E.C. brand.


Picture This


Union Busting

Plastic Pretenders (Is plastic really bad? Check it out for yourself!)


Rick Steves Travel Guides (You know me, I usually do not plug books because I love trees, but I hope that this company will do the right thing and make their Rick Steves foreign language guide-books digital online available only, especially for mobile phones. They are the absolute best for teaching you a foreign language.)

Amazon Mobile LLC (Amazon is best known for their shopping platform which I have found to be superior. But did you know that they are the founders of Kindle and e-book app and electronic devices that allow you to read any of their uploaded books online using no paper at all?!! They are an absolute must have!! Great job Amazon! You also need a little tweaking in the shopping department; however, I think your efforts are amazing!) 

Supply and Demand

Consumers drive product production, movement, and sales. The entire cycle begins and ends with materials and how they may make it convenient...