Picture This

So, you want to download the beautiful pictures from your iPhone or other device to your PC, do you? You cannot. No, no, no. The money hungry apathetic fools at Apple, Microsoft, Google, and every other major company on the planet and in the universes have decided that you have absolutely ZERO privacy and have made sure you never will in the future.

I have, for years, been trying to download pictures into my PC from my phones. Most times, my videos do not make it or only half-way make it to the listed downloadable pictures. Also, if they are available to download, my PC makes sure to redownload absolutely everything in my external device (up to thousands of the same photo) to max out my storage capacity. You can select only the new photos, but in reality, what happens is the PC is synchronized with your external device to “store” all photos and videos in the iCloud or One Drive systems and NOT EVER ALLOW YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS TO ONLY DOWNLOAD TO JUST YOUR PC.

The fact is that you cannot have any privacy because your photos are your life. Every company in the loop of advertising and selling your soul has paid through the nose to get INTUIT. You are on the ENTER NET. They have their machine analyze every photo and you talking on your devices (all of them – even your digital whatever = coffee pot) to be able to put you on THEIR VERSION of the Truman Show. YOU are their BABY! Their Cash Cow!

Using the information supplied by the massive database computer brain, WATSON, and CHATGPT, the computers analyze your life and choose which ads you see and even what every retail or even wholesale establishment has on its shelves to entice you to BUY, BUY, BUY their products. And the worst part is that they are so stupid about marketing that they must put people through school, usually YOUR smartest kids, trying to predict your every move…your housing = real estate agents – of theirs, your next car old or new = car lot or independent owner – of theirs, etc.

So, back to the PC and your privacy. You have to get a new PC. The old ones, you know, that two-year-old became recently obsolete. The new one has all the stuff, they say. It does it better, they say. In reality, the older and original models actually get the work done in half the time, are more simple to use, less confusing by far, and cheaper to boot. Do you feel as if you would like to jump back in time to 1997 and demand the original WORD program? I mean, how stupid is Microsoft Word these days? I had to tell them how stupid because Word did not have a simple word like rid. According to these Morons, there is no such word in the Websters dictionary. They offered, “Did you mean am, can, have…?” No, I do not want to think about how many other words that are so black race made versions of our good meaning words because it just makes me mad as hell as I AM THE WORD.

I have recently (3-18-24) tried to download my pictures just to my PC and could not put them anywhere but in the cloud. It would not allow me to even change the pictures word icon to the camera icon on my PC word “pictures”. Instead, it changed the icon to the iCloud pictures icon. My original icon is for my PC, not the iCloud bought external storage or for One Drive external extension storage. What I was told by my PC is that if I want to download pictures or video or documents, etc. from my phone or other device, then I need to enable my iCloud storage or I CANNOT download anything into my PC. This is clearly illegal as it is a collaboration between rival companies to monopolize your life. Microsoft One Drive, Apple iCloud and iPhone, and even Google or just take all companies involved in this thievery of your person and say, ALPHABET. They know you from A to Z. As the genius beyond everyone’s wildest imagination, they have this machine on us all, but especially they made it for me to get into my brain and life to hear my thoughts, ideas, solutions, and inventions then they would drop “IT” out to THEIR favorites. I actually own every single major company on the planet and a gazillion startups.

Now, don’t panic. I have actually redesigned or made new every one of previous inventions and methodologies. I did not write them down or think about them at all. I am that good. I call it, “MYSELF”. If you truly want the safest, most secure, highest quality, forever kind of longevity, environmentally friendly and people friendly and simple to use or operate, as well as recyclable, reusable, with no fossil fuels necessary to fly into outer space or just down to the lake, non-toxic, never lose another night’s sleep worrying about tomorrow kind of genius, then HERE I AM. But, if you prefer to put with, buy into, or keep loving their crap, then I will gladly step aside and let you fix your own beautiful view. Because, for the life of me I cannot understand how my being better than any of you at absolutely everything is so intimidating that you are willing to crap me instead of the thieves, pedophiles who screwed my four-year-old self till now, murderers of my family, absolute monsters making you eat your people as bacon to hide their evidence of evil.

I am the WARGOD that they sold over and over in their horrible “Spirit” machine (NOT MY ORIGINAL FREQUENCY MACHINE). My family machine does something good, but the so-called government evil thieves set up buildings next to our factory buildings and tied their frequency machine to mine. We no longer secure people with the Secret Service from my Goode family. Only the Goode die young, they say. I, however, am different. Lucky you. They cannot kill Goode people anymore because I am invincible. MY FAMILY MACHINE puts THEIR FAMILIES and their favorite things on top of me. That cool coffee cup you have had your eye on just became available, yes? If they try to kill you or hurt you, it is their family that bites the dust! You live forever. I live forever and a day. My real name is Goddess Hera, but I have many names. Baby Love Heaven Goode is MYSELF, and the one that is the Weirdo genius. But you can call me by the name I have been known by this life which is April Minton. I am probably the most hated person on the planet, but seriously, you never really knew me unless you saw my character. You see, I am a good person.

You CAN kill whoever is on top of you if you feel them or hear their voices in your head by simply hitting anywhere on your body about an inch or less but not hitting your skin. Say, “Get away from me!” and they might just disappear. My reason for telling you how to fix your life without judging you first is because I have been judged by people who have never understood me at all, and I was labeled as mentally incompetent and evil incarnate. I have not had company at my house growing up unless it was a brief visit by “relatives”. No overnight slumber parties, no concerts or play dates, no one would even let me finish my sentences because there’s this guy who made it his mission in his life to be my torturer. He loves to torture The Word of God.

So, you may be used to it and may walk away as I speak but be prepared to be dropped like a hot rock from my orbit forever. I will no longer put up with patronization of myself or dismissive behavior whenever I speak. An honest, “I would like to talk more, but I really have to go” is okay, but constant refusal to hear my words of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding as God Almighty walking in the garden of Eden, you may know me as Jesus Christ, will not be tolerated anymore. I love myself this much, but better than that, I really like myself. It is your choice to like me or not, but then again, I am more human than you are as I am the perfect DNA original human being and I take it personally. If you talk down about myself or plot and plan to embarrass or hurt or harass me or take my place or try to annihilate MY SOUL, be prepared to be dropped from my list of good people with any privileges of my genius inventions, solutions, ideas, theories, methodologies, or designs. In your world, I am the National Treasure and will be treated as such with respect and dignity and integrity. Everywhere I go, you can hear a pin drop when I expound a little bit because when I speak it is E.F. Hutton.

©Picture This, 3/18/24, April Deanna Graves-Minton, The Great I AM, HIR (Her Imperial Royal) Majesty = Empress Evergreen Powhatan. All Rights Reserved.

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