
Retail competition is in flux mode. Home delivery is exploding as people are figuring out that they save time and money not traveling to shop. In the store or on the road, the hazards these days has many staying at home and surfing the net. There is a deep-seated fear of mass shootings while outside their home limiting their going. This feeling is a very real factor impacting retailers, wholesalers, aftermarket, and used or damaged inventory. Even yard sales have a negative view among shoppers that is slow to rebound in the scary covid environment. There are answers for brick-and-mortar establishments survival, but it involves location, location, location.

Dual presence is a requirement for customers to have confidence in your offering and for them to feel savings value enough to keep them coming back. It is like that quality brand product that a company is known for. If you eliminate the perceived value of that product, then it becomes obsolete. This is the same process by which all consumers value patronage in your store whether it is an online only website or a building, or both. 

Giving customers the option to choose where, when, what, and how much to buy is the key to your sales success. They want it when they want it, not when it is convenient for you. And if you fail to carry their desired quality or trend product, they look elsewhere, and you have possibly lost multiple or forever sales to that customer because of your inability to identify.

So, how do you make that leap into the mind and pocketbook of a potential client? Because, you see, they are not just customers. They are your client. You should see every person on the planet as your valued shopper. It matters that you personalize EVERYTHING about their experience using your place of business. They should immediately feel the difference between what you offer and what your competitors offer. They need to know that you get them on a personal level.

Sometimes, this means that you need to form a kind of cooperative group of affiliated storefronts. These associates premiered at YOUR establishment, either online or building, are NOT your competitors. They are your support group! They give the customer a known and recommended possibility finding that treasure they looked for in your place. Word gets around fast. If you tell your customers where they might like to shop after visiting yours, they feel as if you have concern for their psychological well-being because many shoppers are extremely tired and fed up with the rat race. Anything you can do to alleviate their stress is deeply appreciated and provides your business with the kind of goodwill that money can’t buy.

I hope you like my insight and please come back for more when you get the chance. Below are listed categories page links of links to companies you may find convenient. I am not endorsing these companies and you click on their website link at your own risk. Also provided are links to pages of articles on this website or other divisions in the company listed on link pages that I hope helps readers find success. 

Established companies may contact me using the contact form or information to qualify for this listing service, but there is no guarantee that your website or establishment or entrepreneurship will be listed for viewers. Please be patient as a real person will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please read terms and prices on my advertising page by clicking on the link found at the bottom of this page. Some prices are negotiable. I have provided two online shopping platforms that I personally have found to be convenient, but as always, even they are under review. Please use my contact form to inform about possible associations or actions these companies have that you think they should drop like a hot rock because of their anti-human activities. Happy shopping and see you on the flip side!

Visit my Q.E.C. platform for getting rid of unwanted, overstocked, or damaged inventory. New products and services are also available for listings, so please be sure to check out my fast-growing service for organizations and businesses no matter if single entrepreneur, mom and pop, individual or commercial agricultural (must meet quality non-toxic or organic criteria = no unrecognizable ingredients in your foods), suppliers, mid-size to extremely large businesses. Q.E.C. Independent Contractors are needed in your area NOW! If we do not currently have one in your area, you might know someone who would be a good business partner who can service your community using my brand and methodologies. As a business professional, you know the people in your area and after reading my platform can help someone you know grow their own franchise business under my Q.E.C. brand.


Picture This

Union Busting

Plastic Pretenders (Is plastic really bad? Check it out for yourself!)


Amazon (Online Shopping Platform) Okay. So, I have a few concerns about your business practices that I hope you will address. One is the listings of women's clothing! They suck big time!!! The blouses are ugly, thin, floppy, and sooooo out of trend that the women out here are absolutely pissed off at their so-called choices! Lately, though, I have done some research at the local big box to see what they are offering men because as every woman on the planet knows the men have better quality clothes that are thicker, softer, made with more material, longer waisted, and last longer than women's clothing! Low and behold, they, too, are suffering from sucky material shortages. The t-shirts are a good indicator of what is happening and let me tell you, the men are going berserk to rid themselves of crappy clothing!

Also, those capped sleeves and short-waisted shirts for women have to go! Companies listed, most, are simply cutting down on textile use to save a buck - making their material thin beyond it and less used per item to pad their bottom line! They are not interested in what we want out here and everyone with any common sense are ditching the tight leggings or jeans for something that looks like a human body is comfortable and good-looking wearing it. 

So, YOUR MARKETING CREW....SUCKS!! Make them look for high quality at decent prices for your customers to buy on your platform! Actually, have your employees wear the product (make the manufacturer send you several pieces for your employees to try out BEFORE you list that item for sale online), especially on your landing pages! Your company will grow business as it will provide shoppers better-looking and better fitting and better-quality for the same or better price than they used to spend on that flimsy crap that is online today! (June 2023)

Supply and Demand

Consumers drive product production, movement, and sales. The entire cycle begins and ends with materials and how they may make it convenient...