
Whether a driver, manager, or owner within the transportation industry or movement of products, you are at the heart of commerce. The reason for your career in the supply chain is the constant never-ending customer demand for products and services. But how you or your business succeed depends on more than just current standards serving customers. It requires a more qualitative personal application, not just quantitative, to make sustained progress in your career and organization.

If you are a truck driver in a big rig, your ability to perform your job depends on how well you understand regulations and geographic signs. It also requires knowledge of interpersonal skills and mechanical inclination. Your career path may be limited to simply driving the truck, but there are drivers who see their future as an owner-operator or trucking company owner. Some may decide to move into the product home delivery or drone business using their acquired education and experience as entrepreneurs in transportation to forge their path.

If you are a manager of a trucking or delivery company or maybe even retail delivery processes, you may be interested in rising above your level of expertise. Your daily grind, however, may be your lifetime accumulation that makes you unique in the industry. Take heart and keep the faith. The door will open someday, and you can apply everything you learned to find your niche. And it does not matter if you stay in your current position. The only thing that matters is your personal satisfaction with your life and career. So, just keep going. Plan ahead and make sure you squirrel away that nest egg for possibilities. You never know if or when you or things could change.

If you are an owner of a transportation company, whether delivery service, over-the-road, maritime shipping, or aviation then your importance to the movements of products from one point to another can be chaos. You sometimes feel as if you are swimming upstream bumping into others doing the same thing, the same way, yet never really able to reach your destination. What you need to realize right now is that you are in charge of your pathway. I know it looks as if the same old way is best, but there is more unsaid by the industry leaders that can help you successfully achieve your goals without compromising your integrity.

Below are links to off-site web pages and article pages that you may find gives insight helping you on your journey no matter how you move. I do not endorse company links, but merely give you a convenient launch page. If you are a transportation provider of any kind no matter how big or small and wish to see your website link or address here, please use the contact forms located on my websites to request review. 

Many transport professionals may also be interested in listing their personal or fleet services here, but there is a period of review and background checks for authentic quality products and/or services to my readers by either myself or a verified subscriber. When sending your email, please describe as best you can your environmentally friendly and people-friendly products or services. Some discount advertising prices may be negotiated for startups or recruiter services. 

Bookmark your favorites and share on social media. Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy the ride! See you on the flip side!

Visit my Q.E.C. platform to sell those unwanted truckloads of goods! Way easier than trying to offload or peddle them at the truckstop! 

Page Links:

Picture This

Trucking Fastlinks


Union Busting


Cross-training Communication

Downsize to Upsize

Plastic Pretenders (Is plastic really bad? Check it out for yourself!)


United States Postal Service

United Parcel Service

Schneider National Trucking

Supply and Demand

Consumers drive product production, movement, and sales. The entire cycle begins and ends with materials and how they may make it convenient...