
Exercise can be harmful for some people! Please seek professional advice before following any regimen!

Your health and well-being are more important than just looking good. Whatever exercise program you decide to follow, it must have the ability to consider your physical limitations. Your time on the road also means money. You should promote industry-wide participation helping you stay healthy by demanding trucking companies’ budget and pay for wellness programs.

To begin, even though you may feel up to strenuous activity, it is a good idea to go ahead and have a complete physical workup. Not just your typical yearly physical, but a complete evaluation by a qualified and reputable physician. Only then can you be assured that you can change your current lifestyle for one you think will help you feel better about yourself.

Starting a program to improve your body is a big change for many drivers. Most of the day is spent behind the wheel, eating quick meals or fattening ones. The monotony is exhausting! Drivers are driven to stay behind the wheel as long as they can to get the load or trailer where it has to be. They are laser focused on increasing their income. To help you want to stay in your stressful career, it is advantageous to alert other truckers and trucking company executives that your good health is good for business. Contact your fleet manager and discuss the fact that you need to have daily out-of-the-seat exercise and that the company needs to pay for at least one-half hour for you to walk or exercise.

This will at least start the conversation on all levels explaining that stretching your legs is an integral part of keeping your body from forming blood clots or other nerve or leg vein problems. Truckers also have known back problems associated with prolonged sitting that insurance companies must pay for, and consumers end up footing the bill. Giving truckers the motivation and pay to keep fit will positively impact the bottom line for the company and the driver’s health improves allowing them to be able to work longer years without downtime for hospital, doctor visits, or surgery.

My philosophy is that a healthy body is only one-third of the equation for better living. And, if paced correctly, a daily exercise regimen will help you feel better in mind, body, and spirit. Watch out for one-time fixes, though. They will not help you stick with a daily routine. Walking is always cheapest and best practice. And meeting others on the road in safe areas, national parks, and even at terminals to exercise together keeps you motivated and less self-conscious about your body image because other drivers have the same problem as you.

Stay pumped. Stay ready. Stay lean...

FYI: In the old days of trucking, arm wrestling was considered sport and many bets were placed on who would win the annual championship. Today's drivers have a difficult time finding the motivation to work out for that sculpted muscle of yesteryear; however, if you look around you may see a few still dedicated to the tough enough legends. While you are surfing around, why not search for a gym nearest to your destination. You never know, they might even have truck parking! If you find one that does - please let us and other hard body enthusiasts know!

Do you have secrets or tips that will help others get fit? Send your tips using the contact form and I will pass them along. From nutrition to weight management techniques, your suggestions are appreciated. Others may also need help finding workout studios or gyms across the nation that allows truck parking! If you have a gym and want to enter your place of business on the list, simply request affiliate information and include your website information, no links, using the form.

Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side!

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