Union Busting

Companies have rights, too. In the U.S. there is this massive push for all employees to be able to legally unionize without any pre-emptive action or union-busting allowed to the company undergoing the union takeover activity. Case in point is the Starbucks problems with unionizing its stores all across the country.

What I am about to tell you is very important for this country about unions and how they are a socialism process that undermines a company’s ability to successfully expand or provide its customers with the cheapest best services.

For one, most baristas or entry level employees in any company are NOT certified, trained by schooling, or degreed individuals. In fact, they are hired at an agreed upon pay, paid through orientation with company policies, public services, and then expertly trained by the company in the trade, product, or service industry. Where before the employee was not trained, had no guaranteed skill sets, and otherwise was ignorant of how a company of that type is run, after being trained, the proactive union organizer working for that company suddenly wants to collectively demand higher pay and benefits because of their new elevated trained status at that job.

The company has the right to hire and fire at will any employee for any reason, especially if they attempt to extort them for more money than the initial agreement. This is an illegal act on the part of the employee as they have already agreed to work for a certain wage as they are graciously being paid to learn a new trade. Let me be clear. The company is NOT a college, or any school accredited by the state or government and has the right to eliminate threats to their profits and customers. As long as the company adheres to HIPPA laws and other regulations assuring human rights and they have safe acceptable public offerings, products, or services, then those who agree to work at that company have no complaint.

Two, has it ever crossed your mind that companies in competition with another major company, like Starbucks, has infiltrated as an employee(s) into Starbucks with the ultimate goal of unionizing? The competitors may have even collaborated to promote locally and nationally to demand unionizing laws so that good companies with monopoly or unique intellectual property offerings like exactly how to make the perfect cup of joe are unable to sustain profitability and must eventually shut down or close shops (this costs a lot of money to shut down stores all over). Thus, a very good company with quality products loses their competitive advantage.

Let me explain further. It is against the law and most companies' policies for a former employee to steal insider information such as with Starbucks how to make the best-tasting coffee, and then open up a shop or sell that information to the highest bidder. It is called a non-compete clause. Most companies understand how the government has been manipulated into making new laws outlawing this clause agreement, even the initial hire-on agreement the employee signed as well that they agree to work for the pay, benefits, and conditions as they are at the time of hiring. The non-compete clause is important for those people or companies who wish to provide the best, safest, most quality products and services at an affordable price to their family members. It assures that their offerings are on top of the pile giving everyone good choices, while eliminating the crap. Be honest. Do you really want the horrible crap? Or do you prefer delight?

Next, if things keep progressing according to pro-union supporters in the government, I guess you will try to promote or make laws that tell a company that they must hire a person with a degree at a fixed pay rate. And then you will try to make laws which make them increase each position’s pay at an accelerated rate according to how the economic outlook says. As I will attempt to explain further in detail, this process of standardizing how much a company must pay any employee at any level will price-out those on the bottom of society as they cannot afford the bread at the grocery store. Then, you, the government lawmakers, will have to make more laws that supplement those people, especially seniors, who cannot afford the price-fixing you mandated. Yes. I said price-fixing. This is illegal. Isn’t it?

For instance, my data processor is just that, nothing more. He will never get past this position unless he goes to school or learns from my training new methods advancing his knowledge. If I were to be made to pay this person at a higher and higher and higher pay year over year, then necessarily, I would need to charge my customers increased prices to make up for my lost opportunity and profits. If, however, I find that a new hire may provide me better service for my customers, then I may fire the apathetic employee to accommodate competitive advantage. This is called standard business practices. I know this because I have an actual business administration degree from an accredited state college, and I run an actual business in this country. Do you? No? Oh. That explains it.

If an employee working at as a barista wants better wages because they have attained a higher quality of work than others doing the same job because the company forked over the money to train them in that position, then the employee can ask the company manager for higher pay or status as they now provide increased value for the company to that company’s customers. A barista or other workers may decide to extort more pay and benefits from the company by unionizing, but the company has the right to close the store, fire all employees, and move to a better more accepting community.

If this process of mandatory unionizing is allowed to progress, what you have is higher and higher prices as each company must raise them because of how much they mandatorily must pay the union members. Unions can break a good company as they are unable to compete with other similar, but maybe not as good, companies. Paying all employees the same pay because they organize a walk-out if the company does not agree will absolutely cause the company to cut corners and offer less value to you, the customer. 

Not only that, but the company will also squeeze the life out of every worker making them work longer, harder, with more and more responsibilities as their hiring criteria and criteria to stay in a position is changed company wide. In fact, as the lower waged employee pay scale is elevated to the assistant manager level, then the company would necessarily need to raise the pay for the assistant manager level, so on and so forth, all the way up the chain. 

Minimum wage is the lowest level. To organize a union to raise this base pay is extortion and a threat to the financial health of the company. If the government thinks the minimum wage should be increased, then I guess we better go all the way to the top and raise the CEO pay as this message of equality should extend to those whose expertise and experience qualifies them for union pay, as well.

In fact, they can, as a company, establish new employment guidelines for any position such as a four-year degree necessary for every employee to remain a barista or janitor level, or whatever position in the company. There is no law against that, is there? For company owners and managers out there, I love you, too.

Now that you understand, you may call this union busting, but for companies who may be having difficulty or threats of takeovers from minimum wage employees who had no skills until they were hired and trained by the company, this solution is perfect. The government has no right to tell you, the company owner, what value you place on an employee for any position in your company. What this achieves is the cross-training and inner-company movement up and down of any employee in your company. They can almost all learn everything within the company and even improve areas not normally familiar as they see it differently than the normal education or experience worker for that job. What you get is quality employees who are intelligent and motivated for success not afraid to lose their job to low-life union-busters.

Also, if it is determined that an employee who was hired into your company at a certain wage, then is found to attempt to unionize your store or facility, it is not illegal to fire that employee, or if you must, you may move your operations to a better place. There is no law saying that you can’t change your hiring criteria or practices based on your needs to compete, either.

For those who are pro-union, like our President, I want to stress here that if the company, like Starbucks, has given their employees a good working environment and value to their customers, then there should be no interference from the government making them allow employees to unionize or else shut them down or fine them. To do so is socialism in the extreme and is illegal on every level of governing. Is the company a certified schooling or training facility controlled by government regulations to give their employee elevated pay status other than minimum wage? If you do not own a company, then you cannot understand the employment concerns or any organization. You are ignorant.

However, I believe the proof is in the rising prices from unionization that has been allowed to run rampant such as for railroads, airlines, garbage collectors, etc. The mantra of those who are hired in agreement at one level of pay, then decide to control that company by organizing for much higher pay and benefits has made it so that when the union shuts down or stops work the whole country (this means you, President) suffers. If a person does not want to work at the wages that are posted for the position at a company, then they can simply walk away and go apply somewhere with better, or more acceptable, pay. It is that simple.

Holding a company hostage is what unions do. You are not so stupid that you cannot see how a union does not give you, the customer, value for your money spent. A customer perceives a company’s product or service value and either chooses to buy that offering or turns to their cheaper or better competitor. By the way, President Biden, this is what you call competition and capitalism. The pen in your hand was made by a company worker. If you had to pay for it at a higher and higher price because of unions negotiating for a much higher pay, you would probably at some point put that pen down and order a cheaper model from another country. China?

For more information or insight, please visit my articles here or on my other websites found in my favorites list. If you need contracting or services, use the contact form or information provided. In the case of the President, call me. Below are lists of Articles from my other websites or Pages from this website. Also, there may be listed links to off-site websites that I do not endorse but merely list for your convenience. Click at your own risk. Thank you for visiting! See you on the flip side! 

©Copyright, Union Busting, 3-29-2023, April Graves-Minton, Love MoonEagle. All Rights Reserved.

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