Vegan Voodoo

Did you know that trees, plants, and flowers are alive? They have feelings just like humans, the only reason we can’t hear them is that we do not understand their language. In typical human arrogance, we overlook their existence because it is more convenient than the truth.

Many vegetarians will tell you that eating animals is bad for your body and is a cruelty. But I argue that if that were true, then so too are vegetables screaming for mercy. Does everyone think animals and humans are the only living creatures on earth? No. Most people understand that trees are alive and when you cut them, they bleed. If you eat a tree, do you think it knows it is being eaten? How do we know? And what is the possibility that these other living things know their natural order in life, just as we humans know ours?

If you are a tree-lover, do you occasionally hug your tree? If you have plants in your house, do you speak to them with love when you think no one hears? Why do you have this tendency, do you think? And does the tree or plant seem stronger and more alive after you show them attention? Most people who are in these industries will tell you, yes. The experts know that everything…and I mean everything…is alive. Now that you know, do you think it is ok to eat animals? Do you think they understand your natural tendencies and have come to accept their natural order in life?

If you are an animal lover, do you occasionally stroke your pet and talk to it like a baby? Do you groom it and care for it almost better than your child? Could it be that you feel responsible for its well-being because you know it depends on your superior intelligence to save its life? The reason I say this is because I had this experience with my dog, Gallagher. Knowing I was not able to help him, he communicated with me his…understanding. You see, he was the smartest dog I have ever known, almost…human. He ate with me, guarded my house, gave me comfort with his presence, made me laugh with his antics, and generally made my life worth living. Then, when I was sick, I could no longer properly care for him. I tried to keep up the responsibility, but my burdens were a heavy load, and I could not.

One day, not thinking, I took him to the groomers. Normally, I groomed him myself, but each time was a very difficult task. Gallagher’s fur was long and being a black and white party color English Cocker Spaniel, his hair was another dog. I was tired and thought it might be a treat for him to have a professional make him look…perfect. But I should have been paying closer attention, because the ‘groomer’ had not properly cleaned the surface of the grooming table and Gallagher caught an intestinal worm another dog had left on its surface. I did not know this until it was too late to help him. The damage was already done.

Gallagher knew it before I did. He looked at me questioningly, as if to say, “Are you okay?” Then, I looked at him and said, “No. I am not myself.” That dog knew I wasn’t myself and to his dying breath he continued to comfort…me. Eventually, I recovered, but my dog is buried beneath a large cedar tree in front of the family home. He rests in a box, but his soul is alive. He had sired a son, Gallagher’s’ Gable, and I know he must be the spitting image of his dad.

The most beautiful soul died for me that day. But he knew his place in life. He knew that even though he suffered, his job was not finished until I felt his love. Do you love your pet? Do you love your plant or tree? Do you think that any living thing must eat to live? Plants and trees need our breath to breathe; they feel pain and accept their place in the natural order of life. Animals are no different. They understand, better than humans, the hierarchy of the cycle of life and they accept it. To them it is the strongest survive. In fact, they eat the weakest of their get to assure that the strongest survive.

How does the vegetarian explain this fact? Do they tell you the meat is no good or that it clogs arteries? How, then, do they explain the 114-year-old woman who has eaten meat her entire life without a clogged artery? Could it be that your body knows better than your brain what it wants to eat? Does your body have signals to your brain for those foods that smell or taste just right? If so, then it is a possibility that your brain is vegan from propaganda, not fact. However, eating only vegetables or other nutritious foods is also good. What is not good are those people out there trying to profiteer from your confusion.

So, now that you have a better view of your possibilities, it is absolutely YOUR CHOICE to eat or not eat meat OR vegetables. Because that is what HUMAN life is all about…choices. As for me, I choose to believe that everything is alive and that they know the truth about me. I am superior to everything non-human. It is a responsibility, a duty, and a privilege. And I choose to see life as a human. I am being true to my natural tendency. You see, the trees, plants, flowers, and animals understand my language.

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